Channel: Are there any patterns for loanwords phonetics in Russian which are specific for a source language? - Russian Language Stack Exchange
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Are there any patterns for loanwords phonetics in Russian which are specific for a source language?


В (древне)русскомязыкеесть (был) наборспецифическихфонем. Вязыках, изкоторыхосуществлялисьзаимствования, тожебылнаборспецифическихфонем. Вопрос: моглилиодниитежезвуки (древне)русскогоязыкабытьобусловленыразнымифонемами? Например, звукявпредположительнозаимствованномслове"варяг": можетлионобъяснятьсявт.ч. иуральским e/ä?

(The Old) Russian has (had) its specific set of phonemes. The languages from which the words were borrowed also had sets of phonemes specific for them. The question is, could same phonemes in (Old) Russian be results of different phonemes in source languages? E.g. я in the supposedly loaned варяг: can it be a transformation of Uralic e/ä?

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